Monday, February 25, 2013

Writing Warmup 2/25/13

Writing Warm-up from 2/25/13 after the jump.

The frog meant nothing by it, yet it silenced its croaking as Susannah walked by. Eyes shot cautiously towards the intruder. Susannah had never walked home alone before. Ripples in the surface chased each other away after the frog splashed in. He had said he'd be there. She skipped over the faults, lines in the pavement.

He looked at the cashier and she didn't notice. It was almost two so he wiped his lips with the napkin. Fifteen minutes ago, he had been expected. Why would he bus his table?

Brenda, the girl behind the counter, waved goodbye, but he didn't see her. Did he see her? How couldn't he have seen her? She waved hard enough. He must have seen her. Why didn't he wave back?

In the winter, the smooth rock was covered by flowing currents. Water sloshed against the shore. Here, the rocks got smaller and smaller. Last year, the cliff fell into the river, leaving a calm tide in the outcropping.

Hop. Hop. Skip. Jump. Don't land on a crack.

Tadpoles of water streamed up the windshield, only to be knocked away and replaced.

"Are you sure you want to wear that?" Her brother had asked her. "That much pink is weird." She had just smiled and nodded. He had shrugged and put the car in gear.

Visibilty was for shit. Dammit. C'mon, where is she? Dammit, where is she? Oh, Susannah... I told her, you take a left on Sycamore, right on Carlsbad, left on Charlize, and then the second left onto Estrella and on until you're home. Where is she? I'll take another pass around and then I'm going home.

Hop. Hop. Skip. Jump. Don't land on- left on Sycamore, right on Carlsbad, left on Charlize and then... and then... Hop. Hop. Skip. Jump. Don't land on a cra- right on Carlsbad, left on Charlize and then... Hop. Hop. Skip. Jump. Don't land on a crack or you'll break your mama's back!

It was coming down hard now and the smooth rock was way under. Against the worried bedrock of the river walls, the level had risen several inches. The frog arrived where the embankment had collapsed. He paddled around, until his legs were too tired and he let go, falling into it.

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